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Kettle Bridge Concertinas

Concertina group based in Maidstone, Kent, UK

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Eccles  -  Fri 2nd December 2016

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The head torches come into their own.
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We were very pleased to be invited to play some seasonal music at the official turning on of the Christmas tree lights at Eccles.

An intrepid group of Kettle Bridge Concertinas members arrived in plenty of time for the start of proceedings at 5pm. After setting up seats and music stands, we played some of our standard Christmas tunes as the audience started to arrive.

At the appointed time, the band started playing the agreed programme of music while the audience joined in singing, using the song sheets that the organisers had handed out. At the halfway point, there was a short break while Father Christmas turned on the Christmas tree lights. Then it was back to more singalong music.

With formal proceedings completed, the band continued to entertain the audience while the small children took the opportunity to admire the tree and have their photo taken with Father Christmas. As the crowd dispersed, we packed up, turned our own lights off and went home for a well-deserved hot drink.

Footnote: All the musicians came prepared to play in the dark by wearing head-lights. Being of a certain age, this reminded me of an old children's programme from the early 1960s called Torchy the Battery Boy. Click here and you will see what I mean.